Bruises Lewis Capaldi, Kaycee Rice Choreography
This was my first contemporary class ever. Contemporary, to me, isn t about who has the best technique, but it s about telling a story and being vulnerable. I was so honored to have been to share with all of these incredible humans in that room. It was a day to remember and I hope you guys enjoyed This is what this piece was about, meant to me: Sometimes we take things for granted in life and we don t appreciate everything we have when it s right in front of us. This piece is about appreciating what you HAVE before it turns into what you HAD because once something is gone you can t do anything about it. SO you feel this pain inside of regretting not doing something while you had the chance. But it s also OK to feel this pain and regret, to let it all out, but just as long as by the end of it, you learn from mistakes and you take a piece of that knowledge with you and continue through life. Just remember, LIFE IS NOT PERFECT. P. S. My hair always does the craziest things. Hope you liked my mohawk lol Cho