GOING GREEN ( Earth Day song for kids about the 3 Rs Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Going Green An Earth Day song about how to take care of the Earth In this song, children will sing about the 3 R s Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. To purchase this song in video format (. mp4) or audio format (. m4a), please visit Hip songs videos for the K2 classroom Most videos on my website: All audio files on my website: Audio, video song packs for a discounted price also available Check out the Harry Kindergarten Music FACEBOOK page To contact Mr. Harry about a speaking engagement for teachers, or if you have any other questions, comments, please contact Disclaimer: Videos produced and shared by Harry Kindergarten Music are intended to be shown on the official HARRY KINDERGARTEN MUSIC YouTube channel and are NOT to be uploaded anywhere else. Please do NOT rip videos off of my channel and put them on yours.