Walker Takes Down Illegal Toxic Dumpers, Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker and Trivette discover that an environmental waste company has been mixing toxic chemicals with waste oil and spraying them on roads in order to make a larger profit. From Season 01, Episode 07 She ll Do to Ride the River With When a woman goes against the State Police s beliefs that her father was a casualty of his own drunk driving; Walker believes her and stumbles across an illegal ring of toxic dumpers. Buy the complete season now: Dont forget to Like this video and subscribe to the Piece of the Action channel: Chuck Norris (martial arts expert with a black belt) plays lawman Cordell Walker, who sometimes bends the law, to the dismay of Fort Worth prosecutor Alex Cahill. , Walker, walkertexasrangerclips, chucknorrisclips, chucknorrisfights, alexwalker, CordellWalker, JamesTrivette, AlexandraCahill