New Adventures in Front End, 2019 Edition, Виталий Фридман ( Smashing Magazine)
Приглашаем на FrontendConf 2024, которая пройдет 30 сентября и 1 октября 2024 в Москве. Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: РИТ++ 2019 FrontendConf Тезисы и презентация: The beast is alive Have you optimized your JavaScript, CSS delivery for performance with HTTP, 2 yet How are you using service workers and server workers these days What about critical CSS and Server Push Are you compiling your code base into WebAssembly yet How do you feel about ASCIIalike CSS Grid layout with polyfluid sizing and ch unit Have you ever tried to work around nested CSS Custom Properties, untamed 3rdparty scripts, painful web font reflows, shady CSS Houdini tricks and multidimensional variable fonts Well, lets bring it on ... Нашли ошибку в видео Пишите нам на