P. T Silent Hills Easter Egg In Watch Dogs Legion Bloodline ( Aidens Nightmare)
P. T Silent Hills Easter Egg In Watch Dogs Legion Bloodline (Aiden s Nightmare) Huge thanks to Ubisoft for providing me with an early copy Enjoy If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like Comment, I appreciate it a lot Discover Watch Dogs Legion DLC Bloodline, the expansion that brings Aiden Pearce and Wrench back to Watch Dogs Set before the events of the main game, Aiden Pearce leaves Chicago for London where he will take over a contract and reunite with Wrench and his nephew Jackson. Follow me on Twitter SUBSCRIBE Support MKIceAndFire and become a member Subscribe to MKIceAndFire to get all the new gameplay videos and walkthroughs of the latest games , WatchDogs, Gameplay, Walkthrough