EDITED, PROD GRAVE MAN SCREAMING FOREST OUT NOW I HAIL THE NIGHT LYRICS Step to Me Wrong Ima Carve Ya Right Dont look back as the Earth Dies Bury My grave So Full and Wide Ride the Highway to hell Fuckit All Night I hail The Nighttttttt I Hail the Nightttttt Gasoline Burn The Pinesssssss I Hail The Nightttt VERSE Haunted Mound hitcha withThem Chainsaws Cutter Carve Ya Like A Jack O lantern In My woods the trees Got Faceessss No one hear ya scream in da Screamin Forest Im Smoking Longhorn Cowboy killers Gasoline Lungs Im running Off hope Fumes Carve a sigillllll We do Rituallll Chainsaw go Rah Rah When It Hit Yah Ima Rip your Hearrrt out With my Bare Hands Ima stay true Like my true Religion Round our way you can Hear the Pines ARoaring And if you Try Us Ill give you my terrors HAUNTED MOUND 2021