TEKKEN 3 Bryan secret moves, rare custom combos
READ THIS 1 LEFT PUNCH front 2 RIGHT PUNCH back 3 LEFT KICK (X button) down 4 RIGHT KICK up f, b, d, u mean: tap, press F, B, D, U mean: HOLD FC is Full Crouch WS is While Standing, get up from crouch is press very fast QCF d, df, f QCB d, db, b BT is Back Turned SS is Side Step L left or R right CH is Counter Hit My personal collection of TEKKEN 3 secrets. All Tekken 3 faq files on net are incomplete, so here I put videos revealing deeply hidden techniques. If you already know some, good for you, I hope many Tekken players will find it interesting. I do NOT present ALL secret moves, only the ones RARE and NOT OBVIOUS And rare are sometimes not MOVES themselves but their PROPERTIES