English Christian Song, A Normal Relationship With God Is So Important
English Christian Song, A Normal Relationship With God Is So Important I In everything you do, you must examine whether your intentions are correct. If you can act according to God s requirement, then your relationship with God is normal. This is the minimum standard. Look into your intentions, and if you find that incorrect intentions have arisen, and you can rebel against them and act according to God s words, act according to God s words, then you will become someone who is right before God, which in turn demonstrates that your relationship with God is normal, and that all that you do is for God s sake, all that you do is for God s sake, and it is not for yourself. II In all you do and all you say, be able to set your heart right and act justly, and do not be led by your feelings, nor act according to your own will. These are principles by which believers in God must conduct themselves. Small things can reveal a p