Ekaterina Shelehova Savage Daughter (remix)
The song Savage Daughter was sung by Ekaterina Shelehova, originally written by Karen Kahan, Wyndreth Berginsdottir. Karen Kahan, also known as Wyndreth Berginsdottir, wrote this song in the 1990s, inspired by her Norse heritage and Heathenry (Norse, Germanic paganism). The song talks about a woman who is proud of her wild and untamed nature, inherited from her mother. She refuses to conform to society s expectations by cutting her hair or speaking softly. She embraces her mother s traditions and beliefs in the natural world, finding meaning in the colours of stones, the faces of cats, and the dancing of fire. Native Americans have been using this song on social media to bring awareness to the oppression and abuse towards Native American people. See a sample below: