Will Atkinson Washing Machine ( Official Music Video)
What do you do when your washing machine fucks you over When it looks back at you and laughs in your face as you try and squeeze your torso into a jumper that used to fit you before it was washed. When your black jeans come out light grey and your socks reduce down to the size of a walnut theres only one solution. Drag the fucker out, drive it out into the middle of the woods and go to town on the cunt with tracked vehicles, diggers, hammers, saws and eventually dynamite. Whos laughing now you pathetic pile of piss You wanted more you got it. You wanted shards of metal passing your face at 500 miles per hour you got it. You wanted heavy machinery being operated by people who have no idea how to operate that machinery we got you fam. Welcome to the Zoo, reptile enclosures that way. Follow Will Atkinson: Facebook: djwillatkinson Instagram: willatkinson90 TikTok: willatkinson90 This channel is powered by Tranceportal. Subscribe for updates: