MHWorld Shots( Special): Behemoth Dos and Donts
NCHproductions presents a special animated guide on taking on the Behemoth in Monster Hunter World A special episode I ve crank out within the span of 3weeks after I ve experience behemoth myself. Hope you enjoy this massive video(longest animation I ve done) and get a laugh or two out of it music credits FFXIV OST Kann e Senna s Theme Timesplitters Future Perfect Music Good Guys(edited) JoJo s Bizarre Adventure Music Burning Colosseum Yakety Sax Music Half Life Music Hard Technology Rock Halfquake sunrise music madvertize(edited) Timesplitters Future Perfect Music Metal Lab LISA The Painful RPG Music Shardy s Shanty Timesplitters 2 Music Training Ground The Darkness Music On The Lighthouse FFXIV OST Duty Complete Theme ( A Victory Fanfare Reborn ) LISA The Joyful Music All American Badass rock stock photos from Audio by Strelok