Xiu Xiu Pumpkin Attack on Mommy and Daddy OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
Pumpkin Attack on Mommy and Daddy is taken from Xiu Xiu s new album, Girl with Basket of Fruit, out February 8, 2019. Stream, Order: Directed By Angela Seo and Anna Lian Tes Cinematography: David Martin Edited By Alex Grybauskas Performances By Angela Seo, Jamie Stewart Ron Athey, Elliot Reed, Houda Zakeri, Emily OSullivan, Matt Rebula A Tiny Human Films Production Gaffer: Jesse Mendelsohn Grip: Kishan Patel Grip: Samir Golshan Costume Designer: Matt Rebula Production Designer: Suzan Choy PD Assistant: Ellen Connaughton PD Assistant: Julie Bach BTS Photography: Provvidenza Catalano Craft Services: Emily O Sullivan Illustrations: Mookyung Sohn Lyrics: Loner, loner Right, right So I was just standing there and standing there and Standing there and waiting, and waiting But like as a mother DaddyO DaddyO Is that you my prize pig I am sorry I left you out in the pasture to die He was such an asshole baby who Terrorizes all the kids in the neighborhood How does a pi