Ganesha Puja 2021 Day 16: Final Concert Festival Highlights, Sat 18 Sept 2021 11 AM ( Cabella time)
To celebrate the last day of the 16 Days of the International Shri Ganesha Puja 2021 Festival, we offer a special music concert with highlights from the festival. A beautiful music concert by the Dalal Brothers of India offering devotional bhajans in praise of Shri Ganesha and our Guru, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Concert includes highlights from the glorious 16 days of collective meditations, music programs, Havan and Shri Ganesha Puja. Presented by the hosting countries of Andorra, Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.