Ka 50 Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign, 7 AMBUSH
Looks like the enemy didnt realize until now that now we have a new force that can really affect the outcome and not in their favor. Otherwise they wouldve tried to shoot me down as a first priority. After the last two battles theyve lost a lot, at least a battalion, maybe more. We also have losses but a lot less. After such losses the enemy will think twice before undertaking another attack, at least this is the thinking in our HQ. Basically we are at parity now because we dont have enough forces to counter attack. The enemy decided for now to only sustain random machinegun fire and from time to time use rocket artillery, not with much success. A pair of their Mi24s tried to probe our defenses but once they saw Zu23 traces and Strela manpad launches in their direction, they decided run back home. Instead they have been attacking Djvari for the last few days, hitting civilian buildings. We wanted to put an end to such barbaric actions, by bringing manpads closer to Djvari but this wouldnt be very