Making A Record (1918 1924)
There are many kinds of records but today we speak of phonograph records first the performers sing and play into a recording machine where a wax impression is M, S of operatic style singer singing into a large recording instrument. The wax impression is graphited and placed in a special C, U of man placing the wax record onto a machine. He presses a button so that the record revolves and he rubs something onto the disc. M, S of man standing beside a large tank of liquid. The record is lowered into the bath. Twelve hours later a metal shell has been formed and it is taken M, S of the disc being removed from the bath. The metal shell is then stripped from the wax impression and placed in a nickel bath, forming what is known as the Master M, S of man at work stripping the metal shell. The two pieces are separated and presented to the camera. The metal disks are again placed into a bath. A heavy steel backing is placed on this master M, S of man in overalls a