Perspective Grids in Photoshop in One Minute Plus Ten Minute Perspective Fundamentals and Usage
This video shows how to set up the Shape Tool for creating a Vanishing Point Array in a single click. Then I continue on to explain the workflow for managing grids in Photoshop, tweaking your camera, composition, and setting up 3 point perspective. REMEMBER Perspective grids are just a guide. In reality, objects are often misaligned from each other, which gives each of them their own unique set of vanishing points. You can have hundreds of vanishing points in your image and in many types of scenes, I recommend that you do. Hit me up in the comments (or Instagram, where ever ) if this new information and I ll detail it out more clearly. Free brush set download: Find me outside: Instagram: Concept Art Portfolio: Sour Planet (coming soon ): How boudaaat.