Avatar: The Way of Water Exclusive: Designing the Undersea Creatures of Pandora
Coproduction designer Dylan Cole and his team conceive of the marine creatures required for Avatar: The Way of Water while James Cameron and his stunt team devise extraordinary means to bring those creatures to life in a performance capture tank. The Metkayina have a unique and spiritual relationship with the tulkun, a species of sentient whalelike creatures that can grow to 300feet long. The character of Payakan is an adolescent tulkun who befriends Jake and Neytiris son Loak, though like the Navi teen, Payakan also is something of an outcastthe two communicate using sign language. 20th Century Studios and James Camerons Avatar: The Way of Water will be available from all major digital retailers on March 28. , Avatar, AvatarTheWayOfWater