Dalton Jogan Fix You
New Jogan video Julian Logan are original characters of Dalton, a fanfiction of that musical show that must not be named because they ll eat my account. You can read it here: You won t be disappointed. It is beautifully written by the lovely CP Coulter. The Dalton fandom has had a rough couple of days, weeks for what I ve seen. And soon we re going to lose a character of Dalton, which really isn t going to help; ; I finished this within two days (which is weird because I ve been working on another Jogan vid for months and it isn t even near done yet) but it was delayed in uploading a bit because I lost my account. I chose this song because CP said she if she hadn t canceled it, it would ve been sung by Logan (or Shane). And it s just really appropriate for now. Warning: character s death. And funeral. (not Julian or Logan) For the person who does die in this video: I obvio br, br,