BOSS Eurus GS 1 Official Video Patches Demo
Hey Guys, it was an honour to be asked to contribute to the official videos for this guitar so I thought I d give you a quick insight into some of the patches and the set up I used. Most people are aware that I have had a long and wonderful relationship with Boss and Roland over the years but for those that aren t I would like to point out these videos have been sponsored by them and should be viewed as such. That being said it s been a real pleasure seeing how the products have developed over time and I m still very flattered to be asked to demo these cool new (especially the synth More new more Music based videos planned for the very near future guys, stay tuned and all the very best. Latest Official GS1 Product release Big thanks to Phil Dyer for collaborating on this track, he wrote some wicked riffs for me to jam to, looking forward to doing some more stuff in the future. Introduction by Yoshi Ikegami