This Is How To Squat
I do Not own any rights to the original material, this video is purely for lifting motivation. Pat Mendes 363kg Behdad Salimi 320kg Shane Hamman 900lb+ Hossein Rezazadeh 280kg front squat x2 Kirk Karwaowski 1003lb Max Aita 300kg (Had wrist injury, hence the straps) Mikhail Koklyaev 300kg with no hands on bar Kendrick Farris 270kg x3 Ivan Chakarov 270kg x3 Idalberto Arranda 290kgx2, 4 times bodyweight Ivan Ivanov 210kg front squat x2, 4 times bodyweight Zhang Guozheng 220x2 Mikhail Koklyaev 330kg, 345kg, 360kg