Next JS + State Management Good Idea
We can do data fetching in NextJS during static site generation or during server side rendering, so do we need a state manager If so, how would that even work Let s check it out and see for ourselves whether a state manager is worth the bytes we give it. Code: I m a host on the React RoundUp podcast: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord server signup: VS Code theme and font Night Wolf black and Operator Mono Terminal Theme and font ohmyposh with powerlevel10krainbow and SpaceMono NF 0:00 Introduction 1:47 Project Setup 3:04 NextJS State Challenges 3:52, 1 React State 8:12, 2 React Context 16:. .., JackHerrington, nextjs, nextjsstatemanagement, nextjsredux, nextjsmobx, nextjsrxjs, nextjsssg, statemanagementnextjs, bluecollarcoder, jackherringtonnextjs 20220315 gRxCvDjWjs