The Stars At Home Tom Walls (1933)
Title reads: The wellknown Comedy Actor. Comedian Tom Walls appears as The Mayor in The Cuckoo in the Nest wearing a moustache and smoking a cigar. He pours himself a large drink from a decanter, downs it in one then wipes his mouth with a handkerchief. He looks around to see if anyone saw him drinking. We then see Tom at his Epsom home and racing stables. He rides towards the camera then jumps off the horse. A stable boy takes the reins. Some of his horses are walked past the camera. The horse Ballin Valley is compared to a small pony. Tom has a ride on the pony to comic effect. Horses called Rushyford, Laugh, Loyal Heart and Apprentice s Tip are presented to the camera. We see Loyal Heart being broken in with the aid of a lunge rope. We also see Tom with his dogs an assortment of species. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.