Long Live the Queen Sand Art Story of Denmark by Kseniya Simonova 2022
50 years ago Her Majesty Queen Margarethe II stepped on throne of Denmark. Watch my sand story debuted to this awesome Queen and whole Denmark, the country which I am in love with for many years. It inspires me in my life and I love spending there part of my life. The most positive and happy country in the world. The film is devoted to Her Majesty Queen Margarethe II, iconic leader of Denmark. I was honored to perform in front of her twice. She is a real legend, beloved by her people and all world. Long Live The Queen Hendes Majestæt Dronningen fulgte efter sin far på den danske trone. 50 лет назад Ее Величество Королева Маргарете II вступила на датский престол. Смотрите мою песочную историю, посвящённую этой замечательной Королеве и всей Дании. Приятного просмотра ,Дания, Denmatk, danmark, queenmargrethe, dronningmargrethe, sandart, sandanimation, kseniyasimonova Donate me to support my work and help me to pay rent for my Studio: