Dancemob celebrating Lady Gaga s JOANNE era and whole 10 years of her astonishing music career. Created by little monsters from Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Dear Little Monsters, PLEASE help us spread this video through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We hope that Gaga will see this Thanks in advance Choreographers, leading dancers: Eugene Stetciuk and Dmitrii Rogozhnikov Video creation: Dmitrii Rogozhnikov and Vladimir Ivanov Instagram: Facebook: Periscope: VK: For your donations: PayPal Webmoney (USD) Z058876045578 Webmoney (RUB) R204846798875 Сбербанк 4276 5500 2244 2001 Флешмоб, посвящённый эре JOANNE и 10летию музыкальной карьеры Леди Гаги. Создан маленькими монстрами Москвы и СанктПетербурга, Россия.