1O THINGS YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE PUSHING SOME ONE IN A MANUAL WHEELCHAIR. TODAY IM SHARING MY TOP TIPS IN PUSHING SOMEONE IN A MANUAL WHEELCHAIR. FROM WHEELIES, TO NOT LETTING GO There is actually a lot more to it, when pushing someone in a wheelchair. I hope in this video I have covered as much as possible. Its important to know how to push a wheelchair correctly, as the person in the chair may have a spinal cord injury, or a chronic illness, which may cause a lot of pain, and fatigue. the last thing you want to do is cause the person any more injury, pain or discomfort. HYPERLINKS Handle bars 0:59 Letting go 1:40 Uneven ground 1:59 Aware of people in front 2:40 Hold Hands 3:00 Up down curbs 3:22 Up down steps 3:47 Breaks off 4:29 Include in conversation 4:54 Communication 5:23 Have you seen my last wheelchair masterclasses, where I have been showing you how to push your self correctly in a manual chair, and also some really handy transfers, like bed, bath, floor, and chair A lot of you were a