Reinier Zonneveld at the State Aviation Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine for Cercle
Reinier Zonneveld playing an exclusive live set at the State Aviation Museum in Kyiv (Ukraine) for Cercle Subscribe our channel for more videos: Subscribe our Spotify playlist: Reinier Zonneveld Video credits: Artists: Reinier Zonneveld Venue: the State Aviation Museum Produced by Cercle Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann Derek Barbolla Film directed by: Pol Souchier Derek Barbolla Directors of photography: Mathieu Glissant Mickaël Fidjili Drone pilot: Rus Belkin Production: Igor Smailov, Ievgenii Oblog Sergii Maletskyi Stage Manager: Anton Skakun Sound mastering: Michel Avannier Video postproduction: Aurélien Moisan Special thanks to Serhiy Makarov from the State Aviation museum for his trust and Igor Smailov and his team from H2D for his amazing work on the production. Also thanks to Giorgi for the introduction. This a