When Cocky Fighters Get Destroyed
In fighting, you have your clever fighters, and your not so clever ones. The clever ones are the fighters who get the last punch or kick in. The not so clever ones are the fighters who get a little bit too sure of themselves and end up with egg on their faces or faces on the mat. Why do some fighters have to be so big headed They seem to think they have got the fight all sewn up, so much so they feel its okay to tease their opponent before the fight has even reached its conclusion. In this video we are going to look at a few clips of those hilarious cocky fighters who get destroyed and are made to look, not so clever. Narrator: Tysmithvoice Researcher, Writer: Martinptalbot Video Editor: Raljon Music: Stock Media Footage: More Stock footage: Support the channel with links below Twitter: Subscribe to Brutal TV for more videos. Channel Description: This channel is dedicated to all dif