Roger Gracie was born on September 26, 1981. He is the son of Reila Gracie (daughter of Gracie JiuJitsu founder Carlos Gracie) and Mauricio Gomes (one of a handful of men who had the honor of receiving their black belts from BJJ legend Rolls Gracie). Roger started training jiujitsu early in life, like most Gracies, though he didnt actually set his mind into the sport until his late teens. According to Roger Gracie in an interview given to Graciemag a few years ago, he realized how much he wanted to become a professional jiujitsu competitor after he spent some time in the south of Brazil, training with his uncle Rilion Gracie. The two other men that can be considered just as crucial to Roger Gracies development as a fighter have been his uncle Carlos Gracie Junior and cousin Renzo the Gracie blood running in his veins, he quickly picked up the BJJ game very quickly winning several championships as a blue belt, including the Pan Ams and the Mundial (World Championship) in 2000. It was around th