Cohen Assesses Prosecutors Have Enough To Charge Trump With Or Without Weisselberg, Rachel Maddow
Michael Cohen, former personal attorney for Donald Trump, author of Disloyal and host of the Mea Culpa podcast, discusses his eighth visit with the Manhattan District Attorney s Office and what the millions of pages of Trump Organization financial documents are showing them. Aired on 03, 20, 2021. Subscribe to MSNBC: About The Rachel Maddow Show: Through her unique approach to storytelling, Rachel Maddow provides indepth reporting to illuminate the current state of political affairs and reveals the importance of transparency and accountability from our leaders. Maddow seeks to explain our complex world and deliver news in a way that s illuminating and dynamic, connecting the dots to make sense of complex issues. Maddow also conducts interviews with individuals at the center of current news stories to provide important perspective. MSNBC delivers breaking news, indepth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed