Pronunciation V W
Do you know how to say the w sound in English correctly A lot of students mix up the v and w sounds in English. It s a problem, because it will sound like you are saying completely different words, and people won t understand you For instance, west is a direction, but a vest is something you wear. Learn how to say V and W correctly in this pronunciation lesson. TRANSCRIPT Hello. Welcome to not EngWid. Today, I m going to teach you the difference in pronunciation between a V and a W. That s U times two. In some parts of America I don t know which parts, which states I know people say double yah. We don t actually say double yah in Canada; it s double U versus the V. Now, this goes out to all of my friends who speak Chinese, Farsi, Arabic, German, Polish, Slovak, Czech, Slovenian, Russian, Ukrainian: As far as I understand, all of these languages have problems with the V and the W. Double