Welcome Home. Cottage Ambience + Playlist , Sleep, Anti Anxiety, Relax Subliminal
Relax and sleep easy. This cozy subliminal is made to relieve anxiety, stress, and tension; to calm and soothe. Get a good full night s rest with this subliminal and wake up refreshed. Remember, you are safe and you are loved. Headphones are recommended. Keep the volume at a comfortable level. DO NOT: bundle alter the audio (through editing softwares; I don t recommend speeding up or slowing down the audio as this will mess with the frequencies. ) misuse, abuse Doing any of these may cause headaches, disorientation, or at worse, different results than intended. DO: be kind to yourself and rest easy. Consists of: Frequencies: 741 Hz 432 Hz 396 Hz 639 Hz 528 Hz 174 Hz Schumann Resonance Smoothed Brown noise Theta Wave (Binaural + Isochronic Tones) Delt