She Asked Can You Play Bohemian Rhapsody , Cole Lam
It s surprising how often this happens or maybe it s not I had just finished playing something on the piano and Melissa jumped on. The lady asked if Melissa knew how to play Bohemian Rhapsody and Melissa immediately turned around and looked for me Of course, I was more than happy to, and the lady reminded me, that it was you know, by Queen. Every time I play this, it s based on how I feel, so it s always a little different, a little embellished, or a little more subdued. This time, it was a bit more I think, as the adrenalin was still pumping from before. By the way Melissa is a great pianist look her up on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok etc. as Melissa Piano , queen, freddiemercury, bohemianrhapsody, brianmay, rogertaylor, piano, pianistsofstpancras, streetpiano, trainstation, publicpiano If you would like to support me please see: Patreon: