Build Tic Tac Toe With Java Script Tutorial
Learning web development can be tough and boring, but it doesn t have to be. In this video we take a look at creating an advanced JavaScript tic tac toe game. This is a great project for anyone that wants to create a fun project while learning advanced JavaScript and CSS concepts. Materials, References: GitHub Code: CodePen Code: JavaScript Defer Attribute Tutorial: Why I Do Not Use Class Selectors In JS Article: CSS Variables Tutorial: Array Destructoring Tutorial: Concepts Covered: Advanced CSS Hover Effe. .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, jstictactoe, tictactoetutorial, jstictactoetutorial, javascripttictactoetutorial, javascripttictactoe, jsadvancedtictactoe, tictactoe, javascriptadvancedtictactoe 20200111 YGkMjUZsmM