Doing Chinese History in a New Era, Part 1: Digital Sources for Chinese History
The Long USChina Institute at UC Irvine and Yale University s Council on East Asian Studiespresent a series of three webinars for graduate students in Chinese history and Chinese studies. Digital Sources for Chinese History is the first webinar in this series, focusing on new open access databases for Chinese historical sources. This webinar was recorded on July 8, 2020. Panelists include: Jianye He, Librarian for Chinese Collections, UC Berkeley Kwok Leong Tang, Digital China Fellow of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University Ian Chapman, China Studies Reference and Instruction Specialist, University of Washington Amanda Shuman, postdoc researcher and database manager, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Freiburg Karl Gerth, HweiChih and Julia Hsiu Chair in Chinese Studies and Professor of History, UC San Diego