Should science be morally ethical
This video is for entertainment only. Don t take it any more seriously than any video in an Ace Attorney format should be. This conversation was had before my YouTube channel was a thing. We didn t have it to create content for anyone. This video s purpose isn t to lecture anybody about anything, or spread a message. We re not experts, we re not intellectuals, we re not academics; we re just people on discord having fun in a casual conversation. The people and the things said in this video are real; all I have done was edit the pace and remove redundant arguments. Certain things said here could be considered controversial, so be warned. DISCLAIMER: French Baguette Intelligence does not support or encourage harming or harassing anybody for any reason. , aceattorney, debate, madscience, morality, philosophy, PhoenixWright, ApolloJustice, MilesEdeworth, ManfredVonKarma, VonKarma