HOW TO MAKE SILKEN TOFU (easily at home ), Marys Test Kitchen
Hi friends Make your own silken tofu at home from scratch using soybeans, lemon juice (or gypsum) and water Fresh, handmade tofu is so much better tasting than the storebought stuff and super easy to make. Of course, lemon juice isn t really a traditional ingredient in tofu. Calcium sulfate, also known as gypsum, is the common coagulant used in Chinese tofu and makes a superior silken tofu. But don t head to your local hardware store. You can find food grade gypsum at beer and winemaking stores or online Store bought soymilk usually contains a bunch of additives so you won t want to use that for this recipe. These additives can affect the PH of the milk and prevent coagulation. That s why I ve included how to make soy milk from soybeans in this video. You ll want to soak the soybeans ahead of time so start early Buy mature soybeans (not edamame) from grocery stores, health food stores, bulk food stores or online