Las estaciones The Seasons of the Year Spanish weather song for children
Want ADFREE music and storybased curriculum Las estaciones The Seasons of the Year Spanish weather song for children Start your FREE lessons today Kids learn Spanish through song, story, and play. Enter Calico Spanish. Enjoy this peppy jaunt through the seasons and weather in an allnew children s song in Spanish It now includes closed captioning in English use the CC button to see translations. Based on the very old, traditional tune known as Mambrú se fue a la guerra (in Spanish), Las estaciones helps your young Spanish learners talk about the weather and seasons in a meaningful way. For more, including a Sing Color activity book with four sheets dedicated to this song, visit With you ll teach kids to speak real Spanish to real people, for a lifetime, no matter who you are. Start today, and let us help. Explore 100 of our Stories O