Who is Lilith Adam s first wife
Another video discussing the complex ancient history surrounding a biblical character Today, Im going to try to answer the question: Who was Lilith And what did she mean to the bibles original authors Whip out your Dead Sea Scrolls for this detailed textual analysis of the biblical character of Lilith Hope you enjoy Please also factcheck what I say in this video. I m no expert at the end of the day and I m just a guy who reads a lot so please check my sources; ) (I might make a part two to this video because some of the info is already outdated and because it was long enough already) Citations: Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible by Karel van der Toorn and Pieter Willem van der Horst DeDemonising the Old Testament: An Investigation of Azazel, Lilith, Deber, Qeteb and Reshef in the Hebrew Bible by Judit M. Blair The Early History of God by Mark S. Smith The Exodus by Richard Elliot Friedman Who Wrote the Bible by Richard Elliot Fr