Jason Cammisas Mercedes 190 E 2. 3 16 vs BMW E30 M3 Vintage Motor Trend Head2 Head Full Episode 12
This is the 190E 2. 316 I still have, ten years later. This was a riot, but, BTS the whole thing got screwed up. See, this was supposed to be a video (and a Motor Trend Classic story) of BMW vs Mercedes on even footing: 2. 3liter early cars. The German magazine Auto Motor + Sport was simultaneously doing the same story, but M3 Sport Evo vs Merc Evo II i. e. the final variants. In a perfect display of how magazine Art Directors need to be handcuffed, AMS art director insisted that he wanted BMW Museum s red E30, even though it was the early 2. 3. And somehow he won the battle. Which meant both stories got screwed up: they had early BMW vs late Mercedes, and I had the other way around. I was livid. I can only hope their writer was also livid. And the art director died a lonely death. (And I m definitely not bitter. ) But hey, I bought a Benz. Still have it. Still love it. And it s still the (far) better car. Unpopular opinion: the E30 M3 is a terrible car.