Learn Chinese for Kids Daily Routine, 学中文 日常生活, Aprender Chino Rutina Diaria
Please join us on Patreon: Now you can add our channel to YouTube Kids. Check this video to learn how to do it Free worksheets are available in and in our facebook page SUPERCUCOSKIDS. In this video, you can learn how to say and write get up, get dressed, brush teeth, go to the toilet, eat breakfast, go to school in Chinese mandarin. The pronunciation, pinyin and characters. 学习起床穿衣服刷牙上厕所吃早饭上学的汉语普通话的发音拼音和文字书写Aprender las pronunciaciones, pinyin y los símbolos simplificados de vocabulario de rutina diaria. VOCABULARIES FOR KIDS, focus on Pronunciation and Writing so kids can be f