More Than A Shot, A Documentary on the Photography Community
Ever since I started doing photography I ve always found that the sense of community was the biggest reason why I found this passion as super fulfilling. Being able to meet so many new and unique people and being able to capture their stories made me feel super whole. So, when I was given the chance to go back to the Bay Area for break, I knew I wanted to make a documentary about the community. So I did. It s funny, because in the process of creating this documentary I ve built a strong community of friends that will remain with me for many years to come. That s how the Down Ass Bitches came to life. Forever grateful to everyone involved and who supported a local Bay Area kid s dream to tell stories. Special thanks to chrystalirene moumarion derekrliang gracefkim paigetingey therealamogh theyiruyao davvealcaraz seanlxyyyyy for their involvement in the doc. Canon 1DX Mk II: a. co, bVEKK72 Canon 6D: a. co, 1LcObIN Main Lens: a. co, djgYBPN DJI Mavic Pro: a