English Pronunciation , 5 Ways to Pronounce The Letter Y
How many ways can you pronounce Y in English Is the letter Y a Vowel or a Consonant I made this video so you could learn how to pronounce the letter Y perfectly. It s quite a difficult letter to pronounce correctly in English because there are many ways it can be pronounced and sometimes even native speakers of English can t decide which pronunciation to use Even more crazy, the letter Y can act as both a Vowel and a Consonant Crazy ehh This English Pronunciation lesson also includes lots of practice with Y tongue the tongue twisters have no real meaning, but are simply for practicing the pronunciation of the letter Y in different sentences). In this English Pronunciation lesson we will also learn how to pronounce the Y in combination with other letters. For example in OY or AY or EY words like Boy or Day or Grey (can you pronounce them perfectly ) Hopefully by the end of this lesson you will have tru