The Real Black Bottom Dance (1927)
THIS DIGIBETA VERSION HAS BEEN MADE FROM THE PRINT VERSION ON TAPE PM0880 WILL PROBABLY BE BETTER QUALITY AS TAKEN FROM THE NEGATIVE. Miss Mildred Melrose, a well known dancer at the Piccadilly Cabaret demonstrates the real Black Bottom dance. Mildred wears a fringed outfit comprising very short shorts and a little bikini top. She does some wild dancing, shaking her money maker and every other part of her body. The dance incorporates pointing her fingers, kicking her legs from side to side, patting her own bottom and generally enjoying herself. Now we know just where the Charleston challenger steps spring from reads an intertitle. Was originally an item in Eve s Film Review issue number 301. Note: good nutty, flapper, Charleston, 1920s chick dancing footage. Could be Muriel Melrose. Costume designed by Dolly Tree. Safety print exists show print. Probably in Frocks Frolics and Follies roll. FILM