ELDOA Exercises to Increase Flexibility, Improve Posture Relieve Pain ( Video 2 of 9)
Performing ELDOA Fitness movements will help increase your flexibility, improve muscle performance and tone, reduce stress, reduce joint inflammation, delay disc degeneration, improve posture, relieve chronic and acute back pain, relieveneck and shoulder tension, and improve the longevity of the spine and your overall wellbeing. ELDOAs active use of reinforcement exercise movements, myofacial stretches andposture techniques which aim to increasethe space betweenjoints and lengthening the spine. In this 9 part video series Bryce Turner of Beach Fitness demonstrates how to stretch hips and hamstrings. This is especially beneficial to those of you who sit a lot. Subscribe to Mind Pump TV Official website : Find Mind Pump on Instagram: On Facebook: And Twitter: