Beautiful Nepali Girl dancing
Talented girl in Everest region learned how to dance by watching TV with no teacher Every year Empower Nepali Girls a Nonprofit Organization based in CA takes a group of volunteers to Nepal. to learn about it, please email me at , inspiration, motivation, 7summits, denali, everest, everestbasecamp, travel, adventure, nature, continents, hiking, workingout, makingadifference, womenempowerment, girlpower, sdg, equality Sara Safari is an author, speaker, mountain climber, college professor, Electrical Engineer and advocate for women empowerment. She has received the award for The, Global, Citizen from, United Nations Association in 2015. She is a, board member and director of, development in Empower, Nepali, Girls foundation. She also has received the award for Outstanding Practice with Broad Impact in the area of women and, leadership from International Leadership Association in 2017. Sara will be the first, Iranian in history to climb the Seven Summits, the s