50 Luckiest People Caught On Camera 4
WMG LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA 4 hello friends it s WMG today we re going to be checking out some people who got VERY LUCKY and if you get to meet any of them perhaps you can use them as a lucky charm. Watch this video until the end and see for yourself Over 8 minutes of 50 LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA were going to show you some of the Luckiest People, Dangerous moments, Lucky tiktok videos, AND people couldn t be luckier. As always, we run down the full list of LUCKIEST PEOPLE in some of the LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA videos on the internet. There are 3 people who are VERY LUCKY, the first is the driver of the huge truck didn t notice the motorcyclists, when turning he hit them and it looks like things would end badly with the child but luckily he narrowly avoids being run over and survives. 2nd is the man fell off the railing. But what s more important is lucky that he was able to hold on and was helped by everyone to pull him up. I, 39