Ken Ashcorp A Song for Nyanners Birthday
RIP IN PEACE, FAGET JUNE 14th IS 4 LOSERZ Nyanners is a cool bro and turned 19 today. As such, she gets an awkward song. Also I m using resources from the DUNKMASTER YI song that I m doing so the drums are probably exactly the same WOOPS but I made this in like an hour so I guess that s cool. Art by some nerd MP3: Lyrics Oh shit I m sorry Sorry for what Aaaaa I got to thinking that you re kinda hot Aaaaa Preach it baby Daddy knows best Now give it to me, give it to me with dat flat chest Versatile, she makes me smile Stay for a while, get in the TV They say that she s a slut and that she s got a flat butt But that s just far too moe for me When you hear dat voice on line You re thinking Damn she s fine Can only be one girl It, 3