Lose Belly Fat and Smaller Waist in 2 Weeks
Best exercises to burn fat and lose weight fast. An exercise plan that targets the whole body, focusing on the main areas: waist, abdomen, legs, etc. Tiny waist and flat stomach exercise. Tiny waist and flat stomach diet, 7 easy exercises for a flat stomach and small waist. How to get tiny waist and flat stomach, how to get a flat stomach and small waist in 2 weeks. Exercise for slim waist and flat tummy at home. How to get a smaller waist and flat stomach in a week. How to get a smaller waist and flat stomach overnight. 00:00 Elbow to Knee Situp 00:43 Hollow Hold 1:21 Rest 30sec 1:32 Seated In Out Leg Raise on Floor 2:10 Jack knife Floor 2:49 Rest 30sec 2:59 Sideways Lifts Vertical Turn 3:39 Twisting Crunch 4:17 Rest 30sec 4:27 Hip Roll Plank 5:07 Plank arm lifts , belly, waist, abs