Abdominal Anatomy Training Program, Built By Science
You can t have a strong, muscular physique without a healthy, stable core. Learn the anatomy and function of your abdominals to achieve your dream physique. Get the Full Plan: Shop Cellucor Supplements: All Access 7Day Free Trial: Subscribe: When people talk about abdominals, the conversation usually doesn t go far beyond the sixpack, but the core actually goes much deeper than any of the visible ab muscles. It s time to learn how and why these muscles matter to the healthy movement and function of your body. I m going to teach you which muscles make up your core, what they do, and how they collectively work to stabilize your trunk so you can move heavy weight. Your abdominal training is about to get a serious pickmeup. Here s how science can help you achieve stronger, healthier abs. t the end of the day, your abdominal muscle