Evanescence Hello (cover)
My first Evanescence cover on YouTube This song goes way back for me. I remember first being introduced to this piece in 6th grade. My middle school s student council president had asked me to accompany her while she sang Evanescence s Hello for the school s talent show, and I remember how similar her voice sounded to the voice of Amy Lee s, the singer and leader of the Evanescence group. It was one of the first nonclassical songs I was introduced to on the piano. She then gave me a CD of Evanescence s Fallen album, which is probably one of the only albums where I can confidently say that I love every single one of the songs in that album. Which is weird other than Evanscence and very few other bands, I actually am not a huge fan of this music genre. So at the beginning of this quarter I had been listening to this album again, and I came across Hello. It was such a beautiful song that I had to make a cover of it, and I we br, br,